Anastasia Taylor-Lind
Other People's Children, Fotografiska For Life X TIME

Anastasia Taylor-Lind is an English/Swedish photojournalist who spent more than a decade documenting issues relating to women, violence, and war. Fotografiska New York and TIME commissioned Taylor-Lind to explore the complicated web of American child care (, which elucidates some of society’s biggest problems: the oft-neglected rights of immigrant workers, the uneven division of labor between men and women, and the unequal access to quality child care.

This exhibition intimately documents the lives of women in New York City and their interconnected, interdependent child care relationships with mothers, grandmothers, nannies, babysitters, night-nurses and daycare workers.
“This project looks at the caregivers who raise New York’s children, the ways women find to balance motherhood with work, today, and the daily rhythm of life for children growing up in the city. As always, the process of photographing also allows for personal exploration – as a woman in my late- thirties I am coming to understand the ways motherhood may or may not be possible for me in the future. Produced in collaboration with Fotografiska and TIME, I’m delighted to present this new work as one of the inaugural shows of Fotografiska New York.”